

71Japanese Sessions Completed
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JapaneseC1 Advanced
【關於のり】 🍡國立台中科技大學 應用日語系畢業🎓 🍡日本在住經驗,課堂中與你分享各種經驗 🍡日本語能力測驗JLPT N1合格✨ 🍡豐富教學經驗,學員年齡層廣泛 🍡會話練習好評不斷,學外語不再有口音困擾 【課程特色】 📌學以致用,讓學日文不再是死記硬背,勇敢自信開口說 📌幽默有趣不死板的教學方式,讓你打破東方人的學習思維 📌絕不照本宣科,電影、美食、旅遊、時事都能是我們的教材 📌依照你的學習方式調整步調,讓你收穫滿滿 ✨我將根據你的目標及需求,幫你打造出屬於你的學習計畫 ღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღ 【25分鐘體驗課】 ✨在購買1對1的正式課程前, 可以先上一堂體驗課程了解上課方式以及上課內容喲! ღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღღ 【50 分鐘的1對1課程】 ✨入門日文 📌透過發音及有趣的單字,建立聽、說、讀、寫的基礎,帶你打開進入日文世界的大門! 📌入門單字、文法、應用會話、日文進階動詞變化反應練習、四大技能聽、說、讀、寫訓練,學好基礎一點都不難! ✨日語檢定 📌N5~N2,上課做筆記,課後可讓學生隨時複習預習 📌大量練習題目,找出癥結點,穩紮穩打往上考! 📌配合考試題型,聽力閱讀樣樣通! ✨日文會話 📌透過時事以及學生的興趣愛好,讓日文對話不再只有課本內容! 📌無論是動畫、日劇、舞台劇、廣播劇,讓你聽懂不用看字幕! 📌Free Talk內容,想聊什麼,就聊什麼!透過輕鬆聊天的方式讓你的日文口說每天都在進步! ✨旅遊日文 📌害怕出國旅遊聽不懂嗎?課堂上的充分練習,再也不用害怕過海關不會回答問題! 📌自助旅行的經驗分享,幫你預習旅遊會遇到的各種情況,讓你簡單成為旅遊達人! 【課程提醒】 📌教材共享,你我能同步課本讓線上如線下一般無距離感 📌課後歡迎發問討論但不包含翻譯部分
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9 Japanese course reviews

  • 【面試官】老師具有豐富的教學經驗且有高度的教學熱忱,課堂中能引導學生做口說練習並協助調整發音及建立學生的口說信心。老師能提供多元的課程主題,讓學生能用更多元的學習方式提升日文程度。推薦給想提升日常對話及檢定考試的學生。👍
  • 陳八寶
    mai 25, 2022
See all 9 reviews

Performance History



  • 2020 - 2020 東急百貨ShinQs館 U.Q雜貨店
  • 2019 - 2020 Cabot咖啡廳


  • 2016 - 2018 國立台中科技大學 應用日語系


  • 日本語能力試驗N1

  • 2020 - 2020 東急百貨ShinQs館 U.Q雜貨店
  • 2019 - 2020 Cabot咖啡廳
  • 2016 - 2018



  • 日本語能力試驗N1


How to book

  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.

Lesson duration

  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).


  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.

Refund policy

  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.
How to book
  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.
Lesson duration
  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).
  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.
Refund policy
  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.

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