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2017 - 2019 FJCU Catholic University Master of Arts in Foreign Languages and Cultures Certificate Uploaded
Certificate of Teaching in Spanish Language at Chinese Culture University Certificate Uploaded
中崙高中熱心教學指導感謝狀 Certificate Uploaded
Certificate of Appreciation for Judging the Second Language Reading and Speech Contest at Success High School Certificate Uploaded
Certificate of Completion of Second Language Teacher Training Program at National Normal University. Certificate Uploaded
碩士班成績優異獎 Master's Degree Outstanding Achievement Award Certificate Uploaded
碩博論文獎狀 Master's and Doctoral Thesis Award Certificate Uploaded
2017 - 2019
FJCU Catholic UniversityMaster of Arts in Foreign Languages and Cultures Certificate Uploaded
Certificate of Teaching in Spanish Language at Chinese Culture University Certificate Uploaded
中崙高中熱心教學指導感謝狀 Certificate Uploaded
Certificate of Appreciation for Judging the Second Language Reading and Speech Contest at Success High School Certificate Uploaded
Certificate of Completion of Second Language Teacher Training Program at National Normal University. Certificate Uploaded
碩士班成績優異獎 Master's Degree Outstanding Achievement Award Certificate Uploaded
碩博論文獎狀 Master's and Doctoral Thesis Award Certificate Uploaded