My road to become a music therapist

My dream has always been becoming a great music therapist in the world, and I was very lucky to be admitted to the University of Derby to pursue my dream in 2020. I'm a pianist and a clarinettist myself but I know absolutely nothing about the guitar. As I attended the course, I gradually recognise how important knowing how to play a guitar is and I was really panicked if I could become a great music therapist if I know nothing about the guitar.

As I joined AmazingTalker as a language tutor last year to earn some money, I was being invited to the team of my current mentor Michelle (who is also a GREAT Cantonese and English tutor!!). There I met Tommy, who is my saviour in rescuing the panicking me. When Michelle introduced Tommy to me, I can vividly remember how passionate Tommy was when I attended his trial lesson without a guitar, and you all know what happened next, I purchased 10 straight lessons from him. I knew it immediately that he is trustworthy and is able to demand loads of questions from me, who is also a musician.

Tommy is patient, passionate, flexible and full of knowledge. His experiences in busking and teaching in person in the past has definitely given him an idea on how to teach his students to the best he can. He could immediately understand his students' needs during the trial lesson and offer the most suitable course to the students. As my background in music is quite special, he even spent time to customize my guitar learning journey. I practiced really hard as I attended his lessons, and he never gives up encouraging me when I did anything well. I could also remember the days when I felt like I couldn't carry on like when I lost my voice the other day, he never blamed me but cared about me. I'm more than thankful to have Tommy as my guitar tutor even we have only met each other online but not in person. To thank his effort and for the sake of my improvement in guitar, I purchased another 20 lessons and I know it's gonna worth it.

Back to my dream as a music therapist, as I can handle the guitar finally, I started to play the guitar in my placement therapy sessions. I could play loads of songs and even improvise on the guitar as Tommy dug into some extended music theory with me. He helped me analyse my "hello song" and "goodbye song" musically and we discussed on the best ever chord I could use for the songs. Eventually, as I worked with my clients, one of my clients has actually shown his interest in playing the guitar and said I played the guitar so well! My client would probably never be able to imagine I have just finished my 10th guitar lesson with Tommy at that time. I guess you all can never imagine but I use the guitar in the sessions about 10 times more than using a piano.

My gratitude towards Tommy hasn't been enough just by writing this story, but he gave me hope and helped me become a better music therapist as I acquire a skill of playing the guitar and I will also expand my song list when I work with my clients. Tommy has such a beautiful and angelic voice and I really enjoyed it every time he demonstrated a song. I feel like learning a lot more from him and I'd recommend all readers who is thinking about learning the guitar to actually purchase a trial lesson with Tommy, trust me, you will never regret.

Teacher in the story

3個月彈唱 | 寫出你的第一首歌
/ 50 min
/ Trial lesson
Mandarin ChineseNative
3個月彈唱 | 寫出你的第一首歌
Mandarin ChineseNative
IG:ktmusic0327 Tommy🎸🎤AmazingTalker冠軍吉他教師🔥現正購課優惠🔥頂大成功大學🇹🇼碩士👨‍🎓專精研究吉他📚11年音樂從業🎸8年吉他教學🎵樂團比賽雙冠軍🏆🏆多位資深導師與學生5星好評👍具體學習目標+明確學習時程🎼吉他彈唱🎸即興編曲🎶歌曲創作💡✅自製PPT教材✅高度客製化課程📙📘📒Tommy陪你快速學會彈唱🎤🎸 🥇已教學200+吉他彈唱學生 🥇已培養10+駐唱歌手、街頭藝人 🥇已在AmazingTalker完成650+堂課 🥇已在AmazingTalker獲得400+則五星好評
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  • 我也是Tommy老師的學生,真的很喜歡上老師的課,幫助很大,上課內容超乎想像的豐富👍👍👍
  • 我也正在跟Tommy老師學,真的很棒👍🏻
  • 原本正在猶豫是否需要多學一些樂器增進我的音樂技能;
  • 看完Kelly老師的分享,很想跟Tommy老師學習。
  • Tommy 老師非常棒與專業,很高興Kelly老師能分享學習的過程喔!
  • Tommy 老师真的是非常有耐心的老师,声音也超级好听,跟老师上课真的是很enjoy~
  • 超棒的故事
  • 恭喜Kelly老師能夠找到如此合適的老師,並也能真實感受到Tonny老師的專業,謝謝分享!
  • 音樂總是這麼治癒人心,Tommy老師好棒!
  • Kelly老師的一篇故事分享,讓我看到了作為一個音樂治療師,本身你也是很勇於發掘自己的多樣性。而且在對的時候遇上了對的老師,我覺得簡直是一個絕佳的組合。我很榮幸推薦了Tommy老師給你,想著兩位在你們的專業領域上既獨當一面,同時也能在學習過程中擦出火花,我實在為你們感到欣喜!希望更多同學會看到你們的故事,在學習廣東話和英語的路上找到Miss Kelly,在學習吉他上找到名師Tommy的指導,那就是更美好的事了!
  • 謝謝Queen老師專業用心又快速的翻譯!完全是雙重感動大爆擊啊❤️
  • 翻譯內容大致如下:
    我的夢想一直是成為世界上一名有作為的音樂治療師,我非常幸運地在2020年被這所大學錄取以實現我的夢想。 我是一名鋼琴家和單簧管表演者,但當時的我對吉他一無所知。 所以當我參加課程時,我逐漸意識到知道如何彈吉他是多麼重要。由於我對吉他一無所知,我曾經恐慌懷疑過自己是否能成為一名好的音樂治療師。
    去年,我加入AmazingTalker擔任語言家教以賺取一些收入,當時我被邀請加入我現任導師Michelle的團隊(她也是很棒的粵語和英語老師!)。 在那裡我認識了Tommy老師,他是幫助我克服恐慌的大救星。 當Michelle把Tommy介紹給我時,我清楚地記得,當我在沒有吉他情況下,參加Tommy的試聽課時,這位老師是如此熱情。然後你們都知道接下來發生了什麼嗎?我購買了10節吉他正式課。 第一次上課,我馬上就知道同身為音樂人的他是值得信賴的,能够向我提出很多挑戰性問題。
    Tommy十分耐心、熱情、靈活,而且知識淵博。 他過去在街頭表演和親自授課方面的經驗無疑給了Tommy一個如何盡可能最好地教育學生的借鑒參考。他可以在試課期間立即瞭解學生的需求,並為學生提供最合適的課程。 由於我的音樂背景非常特殊,Tommy甚至花時間定制了我的吉他學習旅程。 當我參加他的課程時,我非常努力地練習,當我做得好的時候,他從不放弃鼓勵我。 我還記得那些日子,我差點以為自己無法繼續下去,比如前幾天我失聲了,Tommy老師從不責怪我,反過來是關心我。 我非常感謝有Tommy做我的吉他老師,儘管我們只限在線上見面,但沒有實際親自見過面。 為了感謝他的努力,為了提高我的吉他水准,我又續購了20節吉他正式課,我很確信這是值得的。
    回到我的音樂治療師的夢想,隨著我最終能够掌握吉他技法,我開始在我的音樂治療療程中引入吉他。 我甚至可以用Tommy教我的吉他來即興演奏一些歌曲。 他幫我從音樂角度分析了我的“Hello song”和“Goodbye song”,我們討論了我能用的最好的和絃。 最後,當我和我的客戶合作時,我的客戶竟然表現出了對吉他的興趣,並誇我彈吉他彈得很好! 我的客戶可能永遠無法想像的是我當時剛剛和Tommy老師僅僅上完第十節吉他課。 我猜你們都無法想像,但我在練習中使用吉他的次數是使用鋼琴的10倍。
    我對Tommy的感激還遠遠不够,文字無法言表,我只是寫了這個故事,但Tommy老師給了我希望,幫助我成為了一名更好的音樂治療師,因為我掌握了彈吉他的技能,當我與客戶合作時,我得以擴大我的歌曲清單。 湯米有著如此美麗和天使般的嗓音,每次他的示範彈唱,我都非常享受。我渴望從他身上學到更多東西,我建議所有想學吉他的讀者去買一堂湯米的體驗課,相信我,你永遠不會後悔的。
  • 謝謝妳Kelly,這是我這輩子看過最棒的Story!非常感謝妳對我的肯定,妳的成功絕大部分源自於妳自己的熱情與努力,也很榮幸我能夠幫上妳的忙,音樂治療是一份很偉大的事業,治療師把自己對音樂的熱情與滿滿的愛,透過樂器與歌聲傳達給個案,妳的天賦在妳的努力下正在閃耀發光!